KO with GO

Case : Vicky is a Golang developer with no understanding of Docker but still wants to build, test and deploy Go applications in the swiftest possible way with a lightweight CI/CD without docker installed on his local machine.

Well, Google came up with an amazing solution named KO. Let's see how Vicky can use KO and deploy a go application in a Kubernetes cluster.

Why KO?

Let's look at the current problems that a developer faces:

  • Maintaining Dockerfiles and managing Kubernetes clusters is a tedious job for an application developer.
  • Build times are huge and deploying the source code in a distributed environment consumes time.

To solve the above problems, Google open-sourced Ko which is an open-source tool for building and deploying GOLang applications to a cluster-based environment.

Ko helps in:

  • Building Distroless images from source code in a much easier and straightforward way without any other bulky add-ons like a shell for a Linux distributable image.
  • Pushing of container images to public or private container registries configured by the Application developer without writing a dockerfile or installing docker.
Note: All the above containerization with no to minimal configuration, but one should have a Kube-cluster environment running on the machine to use KO to the fullest of its potential (If you haven’t set up the Kubernetes cluster on your local you should watch our tutorials for doing so).

Lets get into the code now and deploy a service at a brisk pace with minimalist configuration and modifications.


brew install ko


go install github.com/google/ko@latest
Install KO 

Configure a Registry

To set a registry that needs to be used set the KO_DOCKER_REPO variable as follows:

export KO_DOCKER_REPO=gcr.io/triggermesh
Setting up a Registry
Note: you can even set up a local docker registry if you want to.

Basic Commands to Start

ko publish ./cmd/app 
ko publish - builds and pushes a container image and prints the resulting image digest to stdout.

ko resolve -f deployment.yaml
Output of this is a string yaml representation of your Kubernetes deployment yaml file present in the working directory 

resolve will instruct  ko to:

  1. scan the YAML file(s) for values with the ko:// prefix,
  2. for each unique ko://-prefixed string, execute ko publish <importpath> to build and push an image,
  3. replace ko://-prefixed string(s) in the input YAML with the fully-specified image reference of the built image(s), for example:
    - name: my-app
      image: registry.example.com/github.com/my-user/my-repo/cmd/app@sha256:deadb33f...

4. Print the resulting resolved YAML to stdout.

ko apply -f config/
start the build, containerization, and deployment

This is parallel to kubectl apply and allows to push and redeploy containers to the cluster.

Enough chatter let’s get cracking. The Source can be found here
  1. Create a normal go project – a classical Hello World Service
Typical Hello {World} Client-Server Program

2. Ensure you do a docker login for this session in your terminal

3. Export an environment variable in the name of KO_DOCKER_REPO:

export KO_DOCKER_REPO=docker.io/{your-username}

4. Ensure go mod is enabled on the Hello World project – if you are not aware of how to enable go modules in your existing project then head back to our tutorial

Go mod enabled in the project

5. Now, let’s hit a KO PUBLISH from the working directory of your project
ko publish .

Hello World now pushed as an image to the set variables in point 3

You have a Go app containerized and published to a docker registry without using Docker!!!!

Bonus Step:

Let’s go one step deeper and reduce the burden of an application developer by not plugging in the CI/CD terminologies.

Let’s go ahead and DEPLOY the GO application to a Kubernetes cluster!
  1. Don’t worry, you don’t have to really look beyond creating the already existing deployment YAML files sitting in your project directory (hoping you have a separate deployment team, if not chug along with our Sample file 😀)
Typical deployment YAML for a project

2. Assuming a Kubernetes environment(k8s) or a minikube cluster(k3s) running healthy on your system- if you are not aware of how to bring up a Kube-cluster on your machine then head back to our tutorial

3. A one-liner change in your deployment file should be the only modification you make in order to deploy it to the Kubernetes cluster, namely the image in the spec: label should be the one pointing to your GitHub repository from where the project is imported, these are primarily known as import paths in GOLang

Updated import path pointing to a Git repository 

4. Once the modification is done a ko resolve should prompt the updated import paths mentioned for the GOLang application to be built from

ko resolve -f deployment.yaml

5. Lastly fire the apply command to see the application deployed on the k8s cluster

ko apply -f deployment.yaml
Deployment and Service created on a K8 cluster

By doing a couple of modifications in your existing deployment files and setting up environment variables an application developer can deploy containerized GO application to a Kubernetes cluster with KO.

The source code for the above example can be found here.

Ko is a tool built by the Google team which helps teams working on high velocity.

For additional information on KO please visit the links below.
